Take Control Of Your Medicine Cabinet

This article was first published in MyLo Lowcountry.

As a professional organizer, I've tackled my fair share of medicine cabinets and toiletry chaos. These essential items can end up scattered across your home – from linen closets to bathroom cabinets to junk drawers– making it a challenge to locate what you need when you need it.  And even if you manage to corral them into one spot, they're often piled high, playing hide-and-seek with the very items you urgently require.

 Here are five practical tips to help you whip your medicine cabinet and toiletry stash into shape:

  1. Start With a Sorting Fiesta - Picture this: you spread out all your meds and toiletries on the kitchen island or dining table – it's like a sorting fiesta! Group them into broad categories like pain relief, skincare, or oral care. Trust me, this step sets the stage for success.

  2.   The Great Edit (and Expiration Date Detective): Once you've got everything laid out, it's time for the great edit. Keep an eye out for expired items. Also, take stock of surplus supplies. If you've got enough Band-Aids to rival the doctor’s office, consider sharing the love with friends or family. 

3.       Tailor-Made Categories-  Now, let's get creative with your categories. Common categories include Medications, Cold Medications, First Aid, Dental, Makeup, Sunscreen, Razors, Vision, and Nails.  But maybe you need a separate bin for each family member's meds, or perhaps a designated spot for allergy essentials (curse you, pollen!)? Customize your setup to fit your lifestyle and needs.

4.       Container Craze- I swear by those clear shoe storage bins with lids – they're like the unsung heroes of organization.  You can find these at Amazon, Walmart, or the beloved Container Store (Does anyone know how to woo the Container Store to Charleston?). You can stack them up, see what's inside, and even leave some open for easy access. Plus, they make your cabinet look Instagram-worthy. Bonus points!

5.       Label Like a Boss: Last but not least, put labels on those bins. It's like giving your toiletries their own personalized name tags. Not only does it make finding stuff a breeze, but it also keeps everyone in the house on the same page. No more confusion over which bin holds the extra toothpaste – it's labeled!

With these tips up your sleeve, you'll transform your medicine cabinet and toiletry stash into a space that's not only organized but also downright enjoyable to use. Say goodbye to frantic searches for headache meds and expired moisturizers – and hello to zen mornings and stress-free routines. You've got this!


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